Eco Day of Action

Tomorrow is our Eco Day of Action which will focus on water.  All of our classes will be participating in activities which help them understand more about water and its uses.

P3-P5 classes will be Pond Dipping at the Burnie with the Country Ranger – so remember your wellies and warm clothes!

P5/6-P7 will be working with Cordelia from SEPA who is taking along a huge floor board game called The Flood Game.

We will also be presenting the prize for the winning Water Safety leaflet in assembly tomorrow.  It was a competition for P3 -P7 pupils to design a leaflet to be distributed in the community focusing on being safe around water.  Will Burnish and Calum Clark, Aberdeen City Council Flood Engineers will be presenting the prize.

Look out for all the amazing photographs on the blog soon!

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