Technology Fair

Last week, all pupils in P1-P7 took part in Technology Week.  Each class learned new skills and applied the knowledge and skills from all their Technology lessons this year with Miss Thomson to complete a challenge.

Some classes had visitors from engineers and took part in different Science, Maths and Technology workshops during the week.  On Friday, each class had their own stall and display to show their finished pieces of work and creations from Technology Week.  Parents and families visited to hear and see what the children had been learning.  In the afternoon, we had a Celebration Assembly to celebrate all the fantastic work that had taken place and to award prizes for classes and individuals who had shown outstanding skills and team work.

See below for some photos and parent quotes from the Technology Fair.  Class blogs will soon have lots of pictures too.

Well done to all our pupils for their excellent work during Technology Week.

Really excellent projects and knowledgeable pupils.  Well done!” Science Development officer.

It was very good and interesting to see what the children made and what they learned.” Parent

“It was a nice surprise to know all the smart things my child is doing in school.  Now I know why they don’t want to stay at home when school is so fun!”  Parent.

“Very impressive.  It was well explained by the children.  It shows how interested the kids are.” Parent

“The displays were very impressive and the children used their own ideas.  I would now like to know what progress my child is making in Technology and Science.” Parent.

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