Sports Day P1-P7 Wednesday 13th June 2018

Sports Day is nearly here!

It is tomorrow, 13th June 1.15pm-3pm in the playground.

The children will be competing for the Sports Day house Cup.  Last year it was won by Crathes – can they retain their title?

There will be a 45 minute potted sports competition with all pupils participating at the same time.  Please do not wander around the pitch.  Stay behind the roped area.

The children will then participate in running races.

As mentioned in May 2018 Newsletter, your child can wear comfortable sports clothes to school tomorrow – they can add a splash of their house colour if they wish.

Crathes – YELLOW

Fraser – GREEN

Edinburgh – BLUE

Stirling – RED

The parent council will be selling strawberries and cream, tea, coffee and diluting juice.  The money generated from the sales of the refreshments will be given to the school to buy more sports equipment for the pupils.

We are hoping for a dry day so ensure your child wears sunscreen if the sun is out!



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