Christmas Fun 

Thursday was Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Lunch.  We had great fun singing Christmas carols and songs. The staff worked hard to make sure everyone was served.  It was lots of fun pulling crackers and some even tried brussel sprouts.

Christmas Senior Citizens Concert 2016

What a fabulous day we had today!  We welcomed the senior citizens from our community into our school to entertain them, with our P1-4 show Angel Express, along with a cup of tea and a mince pie.

Each class created a table centre to decorate the tables and a wall display to match.  The hall is looking very festive!.


Evening Express Christmas Carol Concert 2016

Our P5-7 Senior Choir performed at the Evening Express Christmas Carol Concert last night.  They were amazing and we are so proud of them.  They sang 2 songs led by Mrs Sonia Scaife and accompanied on the piano by Anna from the Aberdeen Music School.  The boys and girls represented the school impeccably.  Well done everyone!

Here are photographs from the evening’s fun!  Santa even paid them a visit!

See the video of one of our songs ‘This is Why We Sing’.  Click here to watch.

We made it onto the front page of the Evening Express tonight too!

Dress Dons Day! 

The pupils requested that they be allowed to join in with a community event which aims to show support for Aberdeen Football Club in the upcoming Scottish Cup Final on Sunday. Pupils can choose to wear a touch of red or white to school on Friday 25th.

Come on you reds! 

Eco Schools Award Green Flag Success! 

We are very proud and exceptionally excited to announce that we were awarded our very first green flag from Eco Schools Scotland. It took a lot of hard work but it was worth it to see the excired looks on the committee’s faces (AND Mrs Webb’s!)

We are currently organising a flag pole for the front of the school to proudly display our flag. 

A huge thank you to Miss Roberts (P1 teacher), Mrs Rhodie (PSA), Jane Dickson (parent) and of course all of the children who have been members of the ECO committee over the past few years. We couldn’t have done it without you!