Primary 1 Lunch & Curriculum Talk

We had a very successful Primary 1 lunch and Curriculum Talk today.  Our P1 parents came along and enjoyed a delicious lunch with the children.  They were amazed at how independent they all were.  Everyone gave the macaroni and cheese the thumbs up!

There was also great excitement as a wobbly tooth fell out!  It was put in a special tooth fairy envelope to keep it safe.


Wildlife Garden is Buzzing!

Our wildlife garden has flourished over the summer holidays!  It has provided a riot of colours and minibeasts galore have been visiting!

Bumble bees, hover flies, honey bees, ants, flies, snails and slugs have all been spotted in the flowers.

Miss Jackson is going to be working with children to add in the bug hotels, log piles and tyre gardens.  It is so exciting seeing it progress and come alive with the buzz and hum of minibeasts.

Even though some of the plants look like weeds they are still important to the wildlife.  They provide places for bugs to lay eggs, places for bugs to hide  and of course they are a source of food.


Re-zoning Consultation Information

Information regarding 2 re-zoning consultations affecting Fernielea School zoning has been issued to all pupils via email or letter.  Please check your email or child’s reading folder for your copy.

If you have not received the information please contact the office and it can be re-issued.

Thank you.


Welcome back!

What a beautiful sunny day to return to school!

We all welcomed our new Fernielea Friends at a whole school assembly.

Our Early Learning Classes welcomed the children who are joining us this year.  We had an Open Day where they played and parents had the opportunity to meet the staff and play alongside their child.

We are still in the midst of building works as the excitement builds as the completion of our 2 new classrooms gets nearer every day.  Our Out of School club and Breakfast Club enjoyed being in their new space today and some even said it was “awesome”.

It’s always do good to see all of our pupils smartly dressed ready for a new year.  This year is going to be full of exciting opportunities to engage with our community.  Keep checking back to see what we have been up to!

Also check in with our Twitter feed @FernieleaSchool for daily information on the learning taking place in Fernielea.


Calling all Superheroes!

Calling all superheroes! Hazlehead Park needs YOU!


Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to conquer this year’s Dandara 5k and family fun day at Hazlehead Park on Saturday, September 3.


But, be warned – time is running out.


You have less than 8 weeks to register!


Find out more here:–-time-is-running-out-for-the-dandara-5k-21051