Big Maths Presentation

We would like to invite parents to attend a presentation on the ‘Big Maths’ teaching method on Thursday 22nd January.  Your child should have received a letter last week with information about the presentation.  There are two sessions available: 9.15am and 6.00pm. Please return the letter to indicate which session you can attend.

We hope to see you there.

Cinderella Rockerfella

This year P3-7 put on an amazing production of Cinderella Rockerfella.  Well done to all the pupils for their hard work and confident performances.  Here are some of the highlights.

PSQM Gold Award

This week Fernielea School received its Gold Award as part of the Primary Science Quality Mark. The award recognises a ‘commitment to excellence in primary science.’

This award reflects the hard work of all our pupils and staff over three years and the continued support of our parents to promote and celebrate Science as an important subject at Fernielea School.

Well done to everyone and we look forward to maintaining our high standards in delivering excellent teaching and learning in Science.





12 Days of Christmas at Fernielea

Well done to all the classes from Nursery to P7 for working hard on their Christmas displays for the hall.  Our theme this year is the Twelve Days of Christmas.  Our hall looks beautiful and ready for our Christmas concerts and parties.