Well done to all the classes from Nursery to P7 for working hard on their Christmas displays for the hall. Our theme this year is the Twelve Days of Christmas. Our hall looks beautiful and ready for our Christmas concerts and parties.
Please find the revised Autumn – Winter menu.
AUTUMN-WINTER-MENU 14-15 (Revised)
Please note that sandwiches are available on two days a week – not everyday.
Good afternoon,
Please read our November Newsletter for all the latest news and important information at Fernielea School.
Our Primary 5 class led assembly on Friday. They have been finding out about why we wear poppies at this time of year. They sang and recited poems from the war, and shared with the whole school the significance of remembering those who gave their lives for our freedom.
As part of their enterprise learning this term they have co-ordinated the sale of poppies throughout our school.
Please read the October newsletter.Newsletter October 2014
Please find the revised school menu.
AUTUMN-WINTER-MENU 14-15 (Revised)
Please note that sandwiches are only available for two days each week.
Please see the Charities Committee blog link below to read all about our Jeans for Genes Day. Classes had great fun estimating and counting the coins they brought to school. Well done for your generosity towards such a worthwhile cause!
Well done for your generosity towards the Somebody Cares Harvest Collection. Have a look at the Charities Committee blog for some fantastic photographs!
Wednesday 17th September 2014
Everyone is invited to take part in Fernielea School’s Jeans for Genes Day by wearing jeans or denim to school for £1 donation. Please see the Charities Committee blog for all the details.
The Eco Committee are collecting Morrison’s Let’s Grow vouchers again this year. Please encourage your family, friends and neighbours to collect the vouchers when they are doing their weekly shop and take them into school. The more vouchers we can collect the more we will have to spend on growing our own fruit and vegetables. Please put all vouchers collected into the wheelbarrow in the school foyer.
Many thanks,
Eco Committee