We Declare Our Library Open!

Today was a very exciting day with the grand opening of our library!

Thank you to all involved in getting the best library we could for our pupils.

There was a real reading buzz around the school.


Adventure Aberdeen – Surfing!

Yesterday 2 groups went to Aberdeen Beach to try surfing and to play in the sea!  They had an amazing time and worked so well together, following instructions and having fun.

The children said, ” I didn’t do it to start with but I conquered my fears!”  “It was ace!  Not as cold as I thought it would be!”

Scrambling with Adventure Aberdeen

Some of our P5 and P6 pupils enjoyed a morning with Adventure Aberdeen.  They went to Cove and Nigg to scramble around the coastline.  They absolutely loved it!

Dates for Your Diary 2018/19

Please find the dates for your diary below.  Class assemblies are on the list so please note when your child’s assembly is as you are encouraged to come and see it.

Date Event
21 September Holiday  SCHOOL CLOSED
24 September Holiday SCHOOL CLOSED
25 September P1-4 Road Safety Show (PM)
27 September Parents’ Evening – book fair
4 October Parent Council AGM (Evening)
5 October P7B Assembly
12 October Term 1 Ends
29 October School Term 2 begins
30 October P7 Trip to Absafe
9 November P5 Assembly
16 November Inservice Day 2 SCHOOL CLOSED
30 November P2/3 Assembly
20 December Pantomime (Cinderella) for all pupils (AM)
21 December Term 2 Ends – Church Service at 9.30am, Summerhill Church all welcome
7 January 2019 School Term 3 begins
8 February P4/5 Assembly
11 February Mid-term holiday SCHOOL CLOSED
12 February Inservice Day 3 SCHOOL CLOSED
13 February Inservice Day 4 SCHOOL CLOSED
8 March P4 Assembly – World Book Day
29 March P3 Assembly – Easter Service
29 March Term 3 Ends
15 April School Term 4 begins
19 April Good Friday Holiday SCHOOL CLOSED
23 April School Photographer – Individuals & Families
3 May P6 Assembly
6 May May Day holiday SCHOOL CLOSED
7 May Inservice Day 5 SCHOOL CLOSED
17 May P2 Assembly
31 May P1/2 Assembly
14 June P1 Assembly
5 July Term 4 ends – Leavers’ Assembly