Please read our October Newsletter. It is full of Christmas arrangements and dates.
Today was a very exciting day with the grand opening of our library!
Thank you to all involved in getting the best library we could for our pupils.
There was a real reading buzz around the school.
Today was the grand opening of our library! Thank you to all involved in making it a reality.
It was a day of fun and enthusiasm for reading!
The new school lunch menu can be viewed HERE.
Yesterday 2 groups went to Aberdeen Beach to try surfing and to play in the sea! They had an amazing time and worked so well together, following instructions and having fun.
The children said, ” I didn’t do it to start with but I conquered my fears!” “It was ace! Not as cold as I thought it would be!”
Some of our P5 and P6 pupils enjoyed a morning with Adventure Aberdeen. They went to Cove and Nigg to scramble around the coastline. They absolutely loved it!
Please find our 2017/18 Standards & Quality Report (SQUIP) by clicking below or find it under the SCHOOL tab on the menu.
We created a video showing what the Primary 1 children do on a daily basis in school. All too often the children say they did ‘nothing’ when they are asked what they did at school. They are very busy, learning through play, concentrating on tasks, developing social skills and making new friends.
Have a look at the video on our school VIMEO site. Click HERE to view the video.
Please find the dates for your diary below. Class assemblies are on the list so please note when your child’s assembly is as you are encouraged to come and see it.
Date | Event |
21 September | Holiday SCHOOL CLOSED |
24 September | Holiday SCHOOL CLOSED |
25 September | P1-4 Road Safety Show (PM) |
27 September | Parents’ Evening – book fair |
4 October | Parent Council AGM (Evening) |
5 October | P7B Assembly |
12 October | Term 1 Ends |
29 October | School Term 2 begins |
30 October | P7 Trip to Absafe |
9 November | P5 Assembly |
16 November | Inservice Day 2 SCHOOL CLOSED |
30 November | P2/3 Assembly |
20 December | Pantomime (Cinderella) for all pupils (AM) |
21 December | Term 2 Ends – Church Service at 9.30am, Summerhill Church all welcome |
7 January 2019 | School Term 3 begins |
8 February | P4/5 Assembly |
11 February | Mid-term holiday SCHOOL CLOSED |
12 February | Inservice Day 3 SCHOOL CLOSED |
13 February | Inservice Day 4 SCHOOL CLOSED |
8 March | P4 Assembly – World Book Day |
29 March | P3 Assembly – Easter Service |
29 March | Term 3 Ends |
15 April | School Term 4 begins |
19 April | Good Friday Holiday SCHOOL CLOSED |
23 April | School Photographer – Individuals & Families |
3 May | P6 Assembly |
6 May | May Day holiday SCHOOL CLOSED |
7 May | Inservice Day 5 SCHOOL CLOSED |
17 May | P2 Assembly |
31 May | P1/2 Assembly |
14 June | P1 Assembly |
5 July | Term 4 ends – Leavers’ Assembly |