Hands Up Travel Survey

This week we participated in the national Hands Up Travel Survey which gathers information on the ways children in Scotland travel to school.

At Fernielea, we have always had high numbers of children cycling and scooting to school.  Some of the highest in the city.

We also have high numbers of children walking to school.

These are all healthy ways to travel to school. This year our Transport group are aiming to encourage even more children to travel to school in a healthy way.  This will cut down on the number of cars around the school and make it safer for our children as they go to and from school.

If the weather is fine – try coming to school in a healthy way!

Scoot   Cycle    Walk  



Zumba Club enrolment is LIVE online

This term we will are very lucky to have Zumba Rhonda back to run the Zumba club.  SHe has just spent 10 days in Zumba school in Florida learning even more about Zumba and she is excited to try out new songs and dances with our pupils.

Zumba is open to P3-5 children this year and we are taking bookings ONLINE through the Active Schools booking system.

Click here to book a place for your child.

It is at the bottom of the page so click ‘show more‘ to see it.

Places will be allocated on a rota basis if the club is oversubscribed.



Welcome back!

Welcome back to all of our Fernielea Families.  Also, welcome to all of our new families – it is wonderful to meet you all.

We have returned to school with positive attitudes and ready to learn.  Thank you to all of our families for ensuring the children are wearing school uniform – they all look so smart and part of Team Fernielea!

Please have a look at our website if you want to find out any information about the school.  Updates are underway and each class will have a new blog which will be going live next week.




P7 Leavers’ Show

Today the Primary 7s entertained their families with their amazing pantomime – A Lad in Trouble.  They were absolutely fantastic and it was clear that they worked very hard along with Miss Steel and Mrs Angus.

Below is a link to the powerpoint that was shared with their families showing their memories of Fernielea.

Leavers’ PPT



Eyes Open Child Protection Campaign




Everyone in Aberdeen City should keep their Eyes Open for children at risk during the school holidays.


In the week that Aberdeen City’s schools sound the end of term bell, Child Protection Committees across Scotland are encouraging the public across the whole country to be extra observant to help protect potentially vulnerable children when school’s out for summer.

By taking an Eyes Open approach, Aberdeen City’s own child protection committee hope that members of the public will take a more active, watchful role when it comes to protecting children in the area and take action if they’re concerned for a child’s wellbeing.

“By keeping our eyes open and our other senses tuned in, we might spot the tell-tale signs that a child is at risk. These signs include seeing children wandering about at all times of day and night, children who are very dirty or unfed, unsupervised children going into “party” flats, or whose parents are drunk in charge of them. However, spotting the signs isn’t enough. If something doesn’t seem quite right for a child, or a family of children, it’s better to say something than do nothing.”

CPC Scotland Chair, Anne Houston

Anyone who has concerns about a child or children can ask the child if they’re okay, offer the family some support, or contact Aberdeen City’s social work service, or the police.

Fernielea Help Out at the 2018 Glitter Pick

This morning, P1M & P6P got glittered up and volunteered to help Aberdeen City Council during the annual Glitter Pick. It is a 24 hour litter picking event across many sites in Aberdeen. We were doing the 11am slot and we covered the school playground and The Burnie. We were so surprised to find very little litter! It probably blew away!!

Have a look at the photos of the event.

P7 Charity Fundraiser

Congratulations to one of our pupils in P7 who raised £250 for CLAN cancer charity in memory of her grnadma who sadly passed away this year.

To raise money, she sold some of her drawings to family and friends.

Look out for her story in the newspapers.

Sports Day P1-P7 Wednesday 13th June 2018

Sports Day is nearly here!

It is tomorrow, 13th June 1.15pm-3pm in the playground.

The children will be competing for the Sports Day house Cup.  Last year it was won by Crathes – can they retain their title?

There will be a 45 minute potted sports competition with all pupils participating at the same time.  Please do not wander around the pitch.  Stay behind the roped area.

The children will then participate in running races.

As mentioned in May 2018 Newsletter, your child can wear comfortable sports clothes to school tomorrow – they can add a splash of their house colour if they wish.

Crathes – YELLOW

Fraser – GREEN

Edinburgh – BLUE

Stirling – RED

The parent council will be selling strawberries and cream, tea, coffee and diluting juice.  The money generated from the sales of the refreshments will be given to the school to buy more sports equipment for the pupils.

We are hoping for a dry day so ensure your child wears sunscreen if the sun is out!