Please have a read of our school newsletter for March 2023
As part of Children’s Mental Health week we are offering parents an Anxiety awareness workshop in school. Please see the information below.
book a place here:

We are very pleased to share our most recent Care Inspectorate Report from November 2022.
It highlights the very good levels of support for our children and the strong staff and leadership in the Nursery.
You can read the report here:
Please rea our December 2022 newsletter
At Fernielea, we have been focusing on developing strong and positive relationships with children and their families.
In School we are guided by the trauma informed approaches to working with children and supporting them to achieve their potential. We focus on emotion based approaches with staff trained in line with Connected Compassionate Communities approach.
When children require support, focus isn’t on punishing children but restoring and repairing relationships and developing strategies to prevent and improve behaviours and responses.
Please read the short guide on expectations of relationships approaches in Fernielea School.